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MUST READ: Important Update--Pre Boxing and Payment Info

Dear Wonderful CSA Members,

As we enter uncertain times, we first want to say how grateful we are for all of your support and express how lucky we feel to be able to provide for our community during this time.

Currently, we are staying OPEN, as we believe it is essential that people have access to immune-building, nutrient-dense foods now more than ever. We are being diligent about the safety and cleanliness of our facilities and your food-- we are social distancing, constant hand-washing, wearing gloves for all food handling and asking anyone who is sick or been exposed to someone sick, to stay home.

We will be pre-boxing all shares this week to limit contact and ensure the cleanliness of our food supply. There will be an online order form for all food items and everything will be labeled with your name on the porch of the barn. Milk will be pre-bottled and in the fridge. You must bring CLEAN, STERILE milk bottles, labeled with your name for the subsequent weeks pickup. There will be a detailed e-mail with the order form in your inbox tomorrow. You MUST fill this out by 10am on your pickup day.

Payments are coming due soon for April and May. Please bring a check and leave it in the provided box OR send payment in the mail this week. If you are in the position to pay in advance for a few more months of your share, we can use this additional money to cover any families who may experience financial hardship in the coming months and be out of work. If you are in need of financial assistance, please let us know and we can figure out a way to make it work.

If you are able, we also ask that you join the goat cheese share CSA from Georges Mill Farm (consider having your neighbors and friends join, too!). Our dear friends, and many farmers in the country, are going to struggle to pay their bills while restaurants and farmers markets are shutting down. You can join online HERE and pick up with your share at the barn. It is amazingly delicious!

We hope you are enjoying the time with your families and getting out to witness the spring world waking up around us. We had three adorable calves born (milk back this week--woohoo!), our greenhouse is bursting with life, and we are going to be planting in the field this week!

Thank you, thank you!

Mo, Rob, Wes and Willa



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